Point of Sale

Point of Sale

Modular, Configurable, Customizable


There is more to being a cashier than simply taking the payment…

Point of Sale: Point at which a sale is made, the ownership (and usually the possession) of goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer, and sales taxes (such as VAT) become payable. Commonly, at a retail checkout counter.

In today’s online driven 24/7 shopping environment, bricks and mortar stores need to maintain relevance to survive. The customer expects a joined up customer experience; one that reflects what they find online, in store. While omnichannel retail demands many mobile app based solutions usually running on smartphones, mobile computers or tablets, there is, and will also remain, the necessity for static Point of Sale systems.

Therefore, to ensure that the customer experience is as positive as those away from the till services, these customer engagement points must be fast and dependable, be accessible for payment transactions for all, and provide an ergonomic workstation for the operator. They must also ensure full utilisation of the IT hardware, legal compliance and best practice.

Over the last 25 years, we have shipped over 12.5 million SpacePole point of sale installations, including over 5 million payment solutions, worldwide. In the retail sector we supply over 60% of the world’s top 50 retailers, making our technology mounting solutions the preferred choice.

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